Creating quality customer experiences at CPSA: CX by the numbers 

Estimated read time: 4 minutes

When you call, email or chat online with CPSA, you’ll connect with an approachable and experienced team of professionals who are eager to help you. Whether you’re a regulated member wondering how to best adhere to a standard of practice, a patient searching for medical records or one of CPSA’s healthcare partners looking for information, our Customer Experience (CX) team recognizes the value of high-quality customer service. It’s important to us that every interaction is an experience that will leave you with a lasting, positive impression of our organization. 

CPSA’s CX team began as a pilot project in 2022 and was so successful it became a permanent fixture early, with its first full operational year in 2023. CX’s purpose goes beyond providing exemplary customer service—they centralize information at CPSA, making it a one-stop-shop for everything about our organization, while simultaneously looking for ways to improve processes across departments. This ensures we’re serving Albertans, regulated members and our partners in the best, most consistent, efficient way possible.  

“The vision for CPSA’s CX team is to have a dedicated group of people whose sole responsibility is making things easier for those interacting with CPSA,” shares Morgan, CPSA’s Customer Experience Manager. “We do this by taking time to listen and understand how we can best provide support, in addition to identifying opportunities to improve CPSA’s processes, knowing each touchpoint can compound into a long-lasting positive impression.” 

So, what does a year of CX at CPSA look like?

View the infographic below to see CX in 2023 by the numbers.  


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