A message from CPSA’s 2023 Council Chair Ms. Stacey Strilchuk

The theme of CPSA’s 2023 Annual Report is Action Towards Impact, one I find fitting considering CPSA’s position in the healthcare system. As the 2023 Chair of CPSA Council, I am aware that every decision made at our table has the potential to impact the provision of health care in our province. It is a responsibility my Council colleagues and I do not take lightly.

To help inform Council’s decision-making and ensure CPSA is continuously meeting its mandate, CPSA recently updated its strategic plan, which includes the organization’s vision, mission and strategic directions. 2023 was our first full year operating under the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan, and I would like to thank my Council colleagues for prioritizing the plan alongside Council’s overall fiduciary responsibilities.

Another priority in 2023 was implementing recommendations from the previous year’s governance review, which was conducted to ensure Council continues to meet its mandate of protecting the public. Not only did Council examine existing committee structures and explore new ways to evaluate effectiveness in 2023, but it also focused significantly on enhancing Council culture, with a dedicated Council education and learning plan.

I am extremely proud of the time and effort that was put into improving Council culture, not to mention the Council Culture Agreement itself, which was approved in 2023. The agreement outlines behaviours and beliefs needed to create and uphold a culture of respect, safety and openmindedness on Council. These include assuming positive intent, making decisions with transparency, accepting feedback as a form of support, valuing each other’s opinions, and engaging in regular reflection. Adhering to this agreement encourages Council to think critically and ensures all decisions are made in the best interest of the public.

“Health care is constantly evolving, but having a unified group working towards a common goal helps us address the issues that are most important to CPSA and health care in Alberta.”

Being part of a strong and unified Council also fosters trust and open communication, both important aspects when working with our healthcare partners across the province. As part of CPSA’s commitment to building authentic Indigenous connections, CPSA signed a historic agreement with Siksika Nation in September 2023. The agreement recognizes the autonomy and self-government of Siksika Nation and CPSA’s regulatory authority over physicians and physician assistants practicing in Siksika. I want to personally thank Siksika Nation and Siksika Health Services for taking this step with us and I hope it signals our desire to earn and build authentic and meaningful relationships with other First Nations and Indigenous communities. Even as we recognize this milestone, we acknowledge that there is still much work to be done.

Throughout my two years as CPSA Council Chair, I have sought to lead by example, prioritize servant leadership and uphold good governance. I truly believe we are all equipped to serve in one way or another, but to do so, we must be open to continuous learning, both personally and professionally. Council epitomized this approach to leadership, and I’m proud of the progress we made as a group in 2023.

I wish to thank government and our community partners for walking alongside CPSA towards a common goal of safe, equitable and high-quality health care. I would also like to recognize the extraordinary work of all regulated members and healthcare professionals in Alberta. Your commitment does not go unnoticed. Thank you, as well, to the public for sharing their experiences, advocating for change and getting involved in health care.

On behalf of CPSA Council, I am pleased to endorse CPSA’s 2023 Annual Report, and I look forward to continuing this important work into 2024.

As always, it is and was a privilege to serve.

Stacey Strilchuk.